Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hungarian Candy

I'm teaching our Hungarian exchange student Japanese this semester, so we meet a couple of times a week. Today, she asked me if I would like to try some Hungarian candy. This was it.

I found this today too, from a little earlier this year. This is on our break time, where we taught each other some of our original languages. This is her saying, 'Ho brah, get all buss'. Enjoy.


Baker's Venom Cleanser for Sting Cure said...

Sting season has begun! Learn how to cure stings instantly at

Bee Sting Cure Field Testing on

George Ciccarone of Cincinnati's WKRC-TV interviews Ray Baker and others about the effectiveness of Baker's Venom Cleanser on stings in people as the stings occurs. This is a must see amazing video about how to cure bee stings with Baker's Venom Cleanser.

Unknown said...

what did the candy taste like.. i'm curious haha