Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I've been slacking incredibly. Part of it has been being really busy this past month, part of it has been my laziness, but either way, I'm back. How many of these have I done? Not sure. Here's hoping this one sticks.

Random pictures and movies from the past month.

Top left: Our school baseball team made it to the top 8 in our prefecture, the first time we've ever gotten this far. The entire school came out in support.
Top right: The beginning of the game. We lost 6-5 on an error in the bottom of the ninth, two outs. One of the most exciting baseball games I've ever seen, for real.
Bottom left: Anything strange about this picture? I've been photoshopped into it!
Bottom right: Mexican food in Japan. It wasn't bad, kinda expensive.

Surf trip with the boys to Shikoku. Was excellent.


Allie said...

So clean!

kurikinton said...

it was suuuuuper nice. gonna get some of my friends other pics, they are way better. you are going to be surprised.

gage said...

why were you photoshopped in?