Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm on a Japanese Radio...Part 2 + Morning Session Gone Awry

It looks nice, but...

It was as big as a thimble. It would tease like it might break, then wait all the the way til the rocks, where you see the white water. We waited maybe 10 minutes for a set to roll through, and it never did. It's always good to get up early, even for a shitty cold surf, but we couldn't even pull that.

Ok, so, here's the audio for my radio appearance. Basically, the guy goes around and checks out the cafeterias of school. Here's the parts with me in it, and the situations:
  1. (1:00) Introductions
  2. (2:00 - 2:42) He asks my name, I tell him. He asks how old I am, I tell him. He asks if I know what イケメン is, I say yes.
  3. (3:08 - 3:31) He asks what I like on the menu, I say katsu curry.
  4. (6:32 - 7:00) We thank everyone for coming, do a cheer.
  5. (9:00 - 9:42) They talk about how cool I am.

That was basically it. Pretty cool how professional it came out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha right on right on...definitely a fourth year would be good.

The dude said you're ikemen, but he's above you :-P